Our Values

A team that walks the Caseco walk.

It's easy to say you're making a difference, but to actually do it? That's a whole different story. Everyone at Caseco understands the impact a single individual can have on the planet and the people who live among it. As such, it only makes sense that we live in conjunction with the notion of sustainability day in and day out.

We're obsessed with quality.

Our goods are UL/AL-certified, Apple-certified and Qualcomm-certified, and we package everything in North America. We stand behind everything we make and do so confidently.

We believe in great value.

The best products don't have to be outrageously priced. We charge less than mass-market manufacturers without sacrificing quality. We pledge to replace any purchase that’s not up to par, and we even offer comprehensive warranties to accompany every product.

We care about helping people.

From right here at home in Toronto, we make every effort to build up those around us. Many of our employees have faced barriers like language and education, but we opened our doors. We make all products without the use of child labor and even donate 2% of our proceeds to a charity-based partner, all for the sake of social impact.

We protect the environment.

Our planet is our shared home, so we're doing our part to be responsible citizens. Recyclable packaging, long-lasting products and e-waste awareness are just some of the ways we're prioritizing sustainability. Because the world can't wait.

We solve problems creatively.

Whether it be giving a percentage of our profits to charity or following in the company's eco-conscious footsteps at home, our team goes the extra mile. The world deserves to thrive and, if we want to sustain this great planet of ours, then it's time to step outside of the box.